Kind Spirit, fill me with humility, simplicity, and inner freedom. Give me the ability to let go of anything to which I am clinging too tightly, and a willingness to endure challenges for the sake of serving you.

Option 1:
Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12
Reflection: What do you notice about the kind of person Jesus is from the Beatitudes? These are the signs of a follower of Christ. Do you recognize yourself in them?

Option 2:
Scripture: Repeat Matthew 5:1-12
Reflection: Of all the Beatitudes, which one do you long for most right now? Ask God what that would look like on a practical level. Pray for ideas about how you can begin taking action this week.

Option 3:
Ponder the “Three Types of People Meditation

Option 4:
Scripture: Luke 12:13-34
Reflection: What do you notice about themes of inner freedom or lack thereof?

Option 5:
Scripture: Luke 21:1-4
Activity: Engage in the spiritual practice of inner freedom. Pray about something of significant value that you will choose to give away today or in the next few days (it could be time, possession, money etc). Something that costs you, but benefits another. Talk with God about your experience.

Option 6:
Read “Rules for Subtle Discernment”[1]

Reviewing the Week:
Look back on the past week. What stands out to you the most as you have prayed and reflected on the characteristics of Jesus’s Standard? Consider the contrasts between what it means to be a friend and disciple of Jesus vs. a disciple of the adversary. In what areas are you pulled toward the values of God? In what ways are you pulled toward the values of the evil spirit? Are there specific decisions you need to make (even minor daily ones) to commit to Jesus’s Standard? Talk with God about your reflections.


[1] Chapter 7 in What’s Your Decision?