The Spiritual Exercises are most beneficial when you have a spiritual director to walk with you through your experience. Here are a few options:

1. Do individual spiritual direction. For one-on-one accompaniment, you can look for a spiritual director on the SDI International directory.  Find someone who is trained in the “Ignatian tradition” or “Ignatian spirituality.” Call spiritual directors and ask if they 1) have gone through the Spiritual Exercises themselves and 2) if they have received additional training in offering them to others. Contacting a local Jesuit led church, school, or organization might be helpful for finding a spiritual director familiar with the Exercises (Ignatius is the founder of the Jesuits). Let them know you are interested in going through the 36 week retreat on this website.

2. Use the Jesus Way video supplements. If you are using the retreat on this website (also available as a book), you may find it helpful to have short explanatory videos to accompany you. The Jesus Way video supplements feature spiritual director Karen Keen and include brief instruction and guided prayers. This resource is best for visual/audio learners. It’s a supplement and not designed to replace the written retreat materials.

3. Find a trusted Christian friend, pastor, or mentor that you can meet with regularly to discuss what God is showing you. If none of the above options work for you, but you still want to try the Spiritual Exercises presented here, find a person of prayer who is open-minded to the Ignatian tradition and can help you process the experience.